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2,000 People Buried as Landslide Hit New Guinea




NAIJA NEWS: 2,000 People Buried as Landslide Hit New Guinea [New Naija News] » Naijacrawl
Photo: Naijacrawl

Papua New Guinea reported to the United Nations that a catastrophic landslide had buried over 2,000 people alive in a remote village.

The incident, which occurred in the early hours of Friday, saw a large section of Mount Mungalo collapse, engulfing a bustling hillside community in Enga province.

According to a letter from the national disaster center to the UN office in Port Moresby, "The landslide buried more than 2,000 people alive and caused major destruction." The disaster obliterated homes and left significant damage to buildings and food gardens, severely impacting the economic lifeline of the region.

The letter also mentioned that the main highway to Porgera Mine was "completely blocked," complicating rescue efforts. The situation remains perilous as the landslide continues to shift, posing ongoing dangers to rescue teams and survivors.

Emergency crews, led by Papua New Guinea's defense personnel, have been deployed to the site. However, the challenging terrain meant that the first excavator only reached the area late on Sunday, as confirmed by a UN official. 

Social media footage shared by villagers and local media depicted the harrowing scene, with people using shovels, sticks, and their bare hands to search for survivors amidst the rubble. Heart-wrenching cries of women could be heard in the background.

So far, six bodies have been recovered, but the UN cautioned that the death toll could rise as rescue operations continue over the coming days.

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Piroll is a creative writer, social-political commentator, socio-researcher, and sports analyst. He holds certificates in media management and data journalism from the Thomas Foundation Institute of Journalism. He works as a... Read More

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