Welcome to naijacrawl.com, without wasting any time, i will go straight to the point by asking and answering some questions.
What does AutoCAD mean?
AutoCAD is a computer-aided design (CAD) program used for 2-D and 3-D design and drafting. AutoCAD is developed and marketed by Autodesk Inc. and was one of the initial CAD programs that could be executed on personal computers.
Why should someone learn Autocad?
The reason is that it will enhance your skills and allow you to use available tools and great your own designs like Mechanical drawings, building drawings etc. Another reasons is that it can fetch you a good job from the top companies that is looking for a sharp designer in autocad.
Which version of Auto should be Use and Why?.
In this our training we are using auto cad 2007 because it has the basic in which a learner can understand the environment before using higher versions.
Where will someone get this Software?.
This software is available near to your softwares shops where you buy stuffs like game cd, Windows etc, just ask for autocad 2007. Why can't naijacrawl host this software online ? It is because the software is everywhere, but i can upload it online based on demand to aviod wasting of Data. and the file size is about 590mb.
Any Technical Skills before Someone can learn autocad?
I said : no need for that what you have to do is that you will follow us up throughout this tutorial because all the materials will be available here online.
Find anything confusing , you can use the comment section to ask questions .
We have defined autocad, now we are considering autocad in 2D dimension, after we will consider the 3D dimension.
The image above show us what is 2D dimension
The image above describe the interface of autocad 2007. when you lauch your autocad 2007, a pop up will show just select autocad classic and don't show again, click ok.
In your autocad we have what we call "RIBBON" and in your ribbon, it consists the following :- filetoolbar,view,edit,format,dimensioning,draw,window,insert,modify etc. SEE the image below
We also have interface or canvas : the canvas is where you are drawing or your workingplace.
We have drawing tools, it is where we pick our tools based on our designing see image below
We have modifying tools, it is where we pick our tools for editing our desiging , see image below
We have command line tool, it help us to interact with our drawing tool and provides enough environment for our drafting. image below.
This is a nice course on auto cad , wish the admin will continue this good work .
please I need d crack for auto cad 2007
Can't wait to complete this program for free.
Thanks to the initiators of this programs. It is time and beneficial.
Thanks alot