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How to Automate App Setup with Laravel Initializer




NEWS: How to Automate App Setup with Laravel Initializer [New  Developer] » Naijacrawl
Photo: Naijacrawl

Have you ever found yourself writing multiple manual steps to set up a Laravel application in a new environment? Laravel Initializer is a convenient way to automate installing and updating a Laravel application:

Laravel Initializer gives you the ability to declare multiple processes and run them with app:install and app:update artisan commands, which run predefined actions chain depending on the current environment.

The app:install and app:update commands use two distinct classes that run commands based on a given environment. First, the install command uses the App\Install class:

namespace App;

use MadWeb\Initializer\Contracts\Runner;

class Install
    public function production(Runner $run)
        return $run
            ->external('composer', 'install', '--no-dev', '--prefer-dist', '--optimize-autoloader')
            ->artisan('migrate', ['--force' => true])
            ->external('npm', 'install', '--production')
            ->external('npm', 'run', 'production')

    public function local(Runner $run)
        return $run
            ->external('composer', 'install')
            ->external('npm', 'install')
            ->external('npm', 'run', 'development');

The app:update command looks similar, using an App\Update class:

namespace App;

use MadWeb\Initializer\Contracts\Runner;

class Update
    public function production(Runner $run)
        return $run
            ->external('composer', 'install', '--no-dev', '--prefer-dist', '--optimize-autoloader')
            ->external('npm', 'install', '--production')
            ->external('npm', 'run', 'production')
            ->artisan('migrate', ['--force' => true])
            ->artisan('queue:restart'); ->artisan('horizon:terminate');

    public function local(Runner $run)
        return $run
            ->external('composer', 'install')
            ->external('npm', 'install')
            ->external('npm', 'run', 'development')

You can also inject dependencies from the service container if you need to access services while running commands.

This package contains a variety of runner actions you should check out in the readme. I found the MakeCronTask dispatch interesting:

$run->dispatch(new \MadWeb\Initializer\Jobs\MakeCronTask)

MakeCronTask adds the following to the server’s crontab list:

* * * * * cd /path-to-your-project && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

You can do other things like creating a supervisord config for a typical queue worker or horizon.

You can learn more about this package, get full installation instructions, and view the source code on GitHub at mad-web/laravel-initializer.

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