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How to Integrate Flutterwave Rave Payment System in your Laravel Applications




DEVELOPER PROGRAMMING: How to Integrate Flutterwave Rave Payment System in your Laravel Applications [New  Developer Programming] » Naijacrawl
Photo: Naijacrawl

Hi Folks, I know many laravel developers that have been using Paystack as their payment system have been finding it difficult to integrate Paystack Laravel Package from Laravel 6.0 - 7.0 versions. Today I have a beautiful solution by using Flutterwave Rave Payment System, this process will work on any laravel versions.


  1. Running Exiting Project on Laravel
  2. Create Account on Flutterwave
  3. Then you are good to go

Lets Begin

composer require kingflamez/laravelrave

Once Flutterwave Rave for Laravel is installed, you need to register the service provider. Open up config/app.php and add the following to the providers key.

'providers' => [
 /* * Package Service Providers... */

Also add this to the aliases

'aliases' => [
'Rave' => KingFlamez\Rave\Facades\Rave::class, 


Publish the configuration file using this command:

php artisan vendor:publish


Open your .env file and add your public key, secret key, environment variable and logo url like so:

static/img/[email protected]"
  • RAVE_PUBLIC_KEY - This is the api public key gotten from your dashboard (compulsory)
  • RAVE_SECRET_KEY - This is the api secret key gotten from your dashboard (compulsory)
  • RAVE_TITLE - This is the title of the modal (optional)
  • RAVE_ENVIRONMENT - This can be staging or live. Staging API keys can be gotten here while live API keys can be gotten here (compulsory)
  • RAVE_LOGO - This is a custom logo that will be displayed on the modal (optional)
  • RAVE_PREFIX - This is a the prefix added to your transaction reference generated for you (optional)
  • SECRET_HASH - This is the secret hash for your webhook, this is necessary if you are setting up a recurrent payment

1. Setup Routes

Route::post('/pay', 'RaveController@initialize')

2. Grant CSRF Access to Rave Callback

Go to app/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php 

and add your callback url to the $except array

protected $except = [ 'rave/callback'];

A sample form from your frontend will look like so:

$array = array(array(
'metaname' => 'color',
 'metavalue' => 'blue'),
 array('metaname' => 'size',
 'metavalue' => 'big'));
"POST" action="{{ route('pay') }}" id="paymentForm"> {{ csrf_field() }} type="hidden" name="amount" value="500" />type="hidden" name="payment_method" value="both" />type="hidden" name="description" value="Beats by Dre. 2017" />type="hidden" name="country" value="NG" />type="hidden" name="currency" value="NGN" />type="hidden" name="email" value="[email protected]" />type="hidden" name="firstname" value="Oluwole" />type="hidden" name="lastname" value="Adebiyi" />type="hidden" name="metadata" value="{{ json_encode($array) }}" >type="submit" value="Buy" />

In this implementation, we are expecting a form encoded POST request to this script. The request will contain the following parameters.

  • payment_method Can be card, account, both
  • description Your transaction description
  • logo Your logo url
  • title Your transaction title
  • country Your transaction country
  • currency Your transaction currency
  • email Your customer's email
  • firstname Your customer's firstname
  • lastname Your customer's lastname
  • phonenumber Your customer's phonenumber
  • ref Your transaction reference.
  • It must be unique per transaction.
  • By default, the Rave class generates
  • a unique transaction reference for each
  • transaction. Pass this parameter only if
  • you uncommented the related section in
  • the script below.

3. Setup your Controller

Setup your controller to handle the routes. I created the RaveController.

Use the Rave facade.


use Illuminate\Http\Request;
//use the Rave Facadeuse Rave;class RaveController extends Controller{ 
/** * Initialize Rave payment process * @return void */ 
public function initialize() {
 //This initializes payment and redirects to the payment gateway 
//The initialize method takes the parameter of the redirect URL
/** * Obtain Rave callback information 
* @return void */public function callback() {
 $data =Rave::verifyTransaction(request()->txref);
// view the data response 
 if ($data->status == 'success') {
 //do something to your database
//return invalid payment

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Adike Kizito is a top-rated software developer, blogger, sports, and entertainment lover. He is the CEO of these popular websites and He operates his software developing task through,... Read More

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  1.   Felix

    This transaction reference already exists with a different amount or currency. Please use a new transaction reference.
    when i goes live , what might be the issue?

    •   Kizito

      Might don't understand you, can you follow the package latest instruction for the flutterwave

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