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Man Lynched to Death for Doing this to Qur'an




FOREIGN NEWS: Man Lynched to Death for Doing this to Qur'an [New Foreign News] » Naijacrawl
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Some irate mob has lynched a man in a remote region of Pakistan’s Punjab province after he was accused of burning pages of the Quran, the Muslim holy book, the police and officials said.

Hundred of people have been detained and arrested over the lynching, which happened on Saturday evening in Khanewal district of Punjab province, according to Tahir Ashrafi, the prime minister’s special representative on religious harmony. Law enforcement agencies are also monitoring hundreds of other suspects, he said.

Police in Punjab province said at least 15 primary suspects have been arrested in connection with the case. They added that 85 other accused had been detained and raids were being conducted to arrest more suspects.

Prime Minister Imran Khan ordered action on Sunday against the mob and any police who acted as onlookers to the killing.

“The lynching will be dealt with full severity of the law. We have zero tolerance for anyone taking the law into their own hands,” he said in a statement.

Khan said on Twitter he had asked Punjab officials for a “report on action taken against perpetrators of the lynching… & against the police who failed in their duty”.

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Piroll is a creative writer, social-political commentator, socio-researcher, and sports analyst. He holds certificates in media management and data journalism from the Thomas Foundation Institute of Journalism. He works as a... Read More

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