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Jubilation as Mexico Elects First Female President




FOREIGN NEWS: Jubilation as Mexico Elects First Female President [New Foreign News] » Naijacrawl
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Yesterday Sunday 2nd of June was a historic day in Mexico as Claudia Sheinbaum made history by becoming Mexico’s first woman president, winning by a landslide according to preliminary official results.

Her victory marks a significant milestone in a country grappling with rampant criminal and gender-based violence.

In her first remarks after being confirmed as the winner, Sheinbaum, a 61-year-old former Mexico City mayor and scientist by training, promised, “I won’t fail you.”

The National Electoral Institute’s quick count indicated Sheinbaum secured around 58-60 percent of the votes, over 30 percentage points ahead of her main rival, Xochitl Galvez, and approximately 50 percentage points ahead of the only male candidate, centrist Jorge Alvarez Maynez.

Despite sporadic violence in areas terrorized by ultra-violent drug cartels, voters turned out in large numbers across the Latin American nation. Thousands of troops were deployed to protect voters during a particularly bloody electoral process that saw more than two dozen aspiring local politicians murdered.

Earlier in the day, Sheinbaum hailed what she called a “historic” election day, reflecting on the significance of her victory for the nation.

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Piroll is a creative writer, social-political commentator, socio-researcher, and sports analyst. He holds certificates in media management and data journalism from the Thomas Foundation Institute of Journalism. He works as a... Read More

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