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100% verified answer for AGRICULTURE SCIENCE 28/4/2017




NEWS: 100% verified answer for AGRICULTURE SCIENCE 28/4/2017 [New Education News] » Naijacrawl
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Here is the VERIFIED answer for AGRIC:

Verified Agric
Agric - Theory================================
1a) List five non-governmental agricultural organizations in West Africa
1b) State four ways in which agriculture and industry are inter related
1c) Give one function of each of the following parts of a disc plough
I) disc
II) beam
Iii) Burrow wheel
Iv) Disc scrapper
V) Hitch
1d)List one primary tillage implements and three secondary tillage implements-Primary tillage implement
-Secondary tillage implement================
Agric theory
No 1a

West African Rice Development Agency (WARDA) (ii) International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA) (iii) International Crop Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) (iv) International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) (v). Food and Agriculture Organization??
1b)i)Agriculture regularly supplies raw materials like sugarcane , jutecotton, oilseeds, tea, spices, wheat; paddy etc.
ii)Agriculture through Farmer-households used to save their money in the bank and other financial institutions whichultimately is used by the industry owners in the form of investment.
iii)Industry regularly supplies scientifictools and equipments like tractors, harvesters, pump-sets chemical fertilizers etc. to agriculture increase the per hectare production.
iv)Industry increase the market for finished agricultural goods some infrastructural development likeroads, railway, storage etc.
1ci. The disc plough is designed to work in all types of soil for functions such as soil breaking, soil raising, soil turning and soil mixing. It is used to open the new fields and to process the stony areas.
1c)ii Beam: A heavy ironleverhaving an oscillating motion on a central axis, one end of which is connected with the piston rod from which it receives motion, and the other with the crank of the wheel shaft.
1ciii. Designed to distribute the weight of its load between the wheel and the operator so enabling the convenient carriage of heavier and bulkier loads than would be possible were the weight carried entirely by the operator.
(6ai)Scarcity is the process whereby a commodity(food produce or livestock) is in short supply. That is, the demand for them greatly outweighs their supply or availability
(6aii)Scale of preference is used to set a list of products or services in the highest demand or the arrangement of our want in ascending or descending order of importance or priority.
(6b)(i) It improves agricultural technology
(ii) Insurance can assist farmers in accessing new opportunities by improving their ability to borrow cash or credit facilities
(iii) Farmers can expect a safer and possibly higher returns
(iv) Insurance helps in stimulating investment in agriculture and in stabilizing farmers' income.
(6c)(i) There is ban on the use of chemicals and explosives bcos they are not selective in killing
(ii) Landing tax is introduced based on total catch and sizes of fish at landing site.
(iii) Coastal areas are to be constantly under surveillance to restrict foreign vessels frm exploitation.
(iv) Fishery personnels are usually out to land sites to restrict sale of fishes whch hv unacceptable fish size assessment.
(v) No vessels except canoes shall fish within the first two nautical miles of the terresterial of the Nigerian Continental shelf.
(6d)(i)Honey bees provide 80% of pollination for vegetable, fruit, seed and flower crops.
(ii)They also pollinate the forage crops fed to dairy and meat animals
(iii)industrial purpose
(v)income generation

(2a)-Availability of water(Rainfall)
-Availability of source of water for irrigation
-The type of soil or land where irrigationis to be carried out
-Availability of machine for installation
-Technical know how
(2b)-Inadequate water supply or source of water
-High cost of equipment
-Lack of adequate technical know how
-Excessive dissolution of salts in irrigated water prevent proper growth
-Disturbance of movement of farm machinery
(2di)-Disc polugh
-Mould board plough
(2dii)-Harrow(Disc harrow)
2bPoor plant growth
Leaves turn reddish
Poor root development resulting in logging
CWeevil-- burrowing
Locust--,biting and chewing
Cotton stainer-- piercing and chewing
Army worm -- biting and chewing
Scale insect-- piercing and sucking
(4ai)Causal organism:Fungus(Ustilago maydis)
(4aii)Mode of transmission:Spread by wind
-Galls on the ears
-The leaves turns black
-galls on the leaves and tassels
(4aiv)Cultural control:
-destroy the diseased plant
-Use resistant varieties
-Treat seeds before planting
(4b)-Taungya system
-Selective exploration
-Forest regulation
(4ci)-egg producers
-Meat and egg producers
-Meat producers
-Game birds
(4cii)-Egg producers:Turkey,chicken
-Meat and egg producers:Chicken turkey
-Meat producers:Chicken,Goat
-Game birds:Fowls
(i)-Bacillus anthracis
(ii)-Via respiration ie air borne
(iii)-Small blisters on skin,vomiting,diarrhea
(iv)-Use of antibiotics
-Killing and burrying of infected animals
(5bi)-Fish meals
-Blood meal
-Soya bean cake Groundnut cake
-Field peas
(5c)-It is mobile
-It is perishable
-Its supply is inelastic
-Its reward is wage and salary
-It is a physical and mental effort on man

We have the objectives now but without testimonies we r not droping it

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  1.  Kelly

    Naijacrawl is really on it.... Thumb's up to d admin

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