In an unexpected yet inspiring turn of events, renowned comedian Bayegun Oluwatoyin, popularly known as Woli Arole, has been ordained into full-time ministry by Pastor Poju Oyemade, Senior Pastor of Covenant Nation.
Arole, a graduate of Obafemi Awolowo University, had built a reputation for his hilarious comic mimicry of prophets, leaving audiences in stitches. However, it appears that his passion has now shifted from comedy to a higher calling.
The ordination, which took place yesterday, marks a significant milestone in Arole's journey, as he transitions from entertaining crowds to spreading the Gospel.
This development has sparked excitement and curiosity among fans and followers, who are eager to see how Arole's unique blend of humor and spirituality will shape his ministry.
Woli Arole rose to fame with his comedic skits, cleverly mimicking prophets and pastors. His talent for observational comedy earned him a spot as one of Nigeria's most beloved comedians.
The news has generated a mix of surprise, support, and well-wishes from fans, who are eager to see Arole's impact in the ministry.
As Arole embarks on this new chapter, fans and followers await with bated breath to see how he will balance his comedic roots with his newfound calling.
Will he use his platform to infuse humor into his sermons? Only time
will tell.
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