Adebisi Edionseri, the renowned Ogun State socialite and philanthropist, affectionately known as "Cash Madam,"...
Olumide Ogunsanwo, widely known as Seaking, has been released from KiriKiri Maximum Security Prison in Lagos a...
Kizz Daniel becomes the first music artist to reach 100,000,000 project-based streams on Boomplay six months after releasing his fourth studio album.His "Barnab...
He traveled from New York to Los Angeles to give her the remaining unpublished sex tapes.Even though Kim Kardashian and Ye were divorced, they still had a close...
Christabel, the actress who was mistaken for Yul Edochie's second wife, has come out to deny having a kid with the actor.The actress clarified these points in a...
The Big Tems are having a good time with the big boys...Future, a hip-hop musician from the United States, is slated to release an album titled "I Never Liked Y...
The biography of The Flavor of Africa has reportedly grossed $3 million on Amazon Prime Video.A biopic is a film that chronicles a person's life. According to W...
Shizzi, a music producer, has accused his manager, Efe, of duping him into signing a six-year publishing contract with Song Music.Shizzi claims that Efe duped h...
Bovi Ugboma, a popular comedian, disclosed on Tuesday that he had been barred from entering the United States.This was revealed by Bovi while replying to fan qu...
Tchidi Chikere, a Nollywood producer and actor, has slammed those criticising Yul Edochie for taking a second wife.Chikere, hailing Edochie, said most of those...
Mary Njoku, a Nollywood actress, has advised married men who are unhappy with their single wife to establish an open marriage.This, she claims, will restore pea...
Yul Edochie, a Nollywood actor and politician, has responded to criticism following his announcement of a second marriage.Yul Edochie stunned fans on Wednesday...