Adebisi Edionseri, the renowned Ogun State socialite and philanthropist, affectionately known as "Cash Madam,"...
Olumide Ogunsanwo, widely known as Seaking, has been released from KiriKiri Maximum Security Prison in Lagos a...
ControversIAL Uche Maduagwu, a Nollywood actor, has attacked actor Yul Edochie for announcing the birth of a son with actress Judy Moghalu, whom he described as...
The announcement that Yul Edochie has been married a second time has generated questions about his competence to lead Nigeria.On Wednesday, the Nollywood actor...
The popular Nollywood actor Yul Edochie surprised many of his fans today after taking to Instagram to announced the birth of his new born child from his Alleged...
Yul Edochie's wife has reacted to a post the actor, producer, and director posted on his verified Instagram page on Wednesday announcing the birth of his baby b...
Yul Edochie, a popular Nollywood actor, and his second wife, Judy Austin, a Nigerian actress, have had a baby.On Wednesday, the actor announced the news on his...
Wizkid has come up with a new definition for the term "headliner."After being paid $1 million to headline the largest Hip Hop Music Festival, Rolling Loud, the...
Burna Boy got together with Trevor Noah, a South African comedian, and his cousin ahead of his appearance on The Daily Show.Bose Ogulu, Odogwu's mother, was equ...
Wizkid, a Nigerian artist, has given his fans something to brag about.The Essence singer is trending on Twitter after disclosing that he was paid a hefty $1 mil...
Portable was overcome with excitement and joy after E-Money covered the cost of his vacation to the United Kingdom.On Instagram, the Zazu singer released a vide...
When fans see Big Wiz perform in other nations, they get a glimpse into how much money he makes.Wizkid claims that he never accepts less than $1 million for a g...