In a heartbreaking incident that has left the Ogwashi-Uku community in Delta State reeling, 27-year-old Wilfred Ogochukwu Ifeanyi was brutally killed by gunmen just 17 days after his wedding.
The tragedy unfolded on December 24, 2024, as Ifeanyi, who had married his wife on December 7, 2024, visited his mother to escort her to an evening church service.
According to Chief Mike Nwaukoni, the Iyasei (Traditional Prime Minister) of Ogwashi-Uku Kingdom, Ifeanyi was ambushed and shot dead outside his home by unidentified gunmen. The horrifying attack occurred in full view of his mother and pregnant wife, leaving them traumatized and helpless.
To make matters worse, the attackers abducted Ifeanyi’s wife, further compounding the sorrow and fear gripping the community.
A Life of Resilience Cut Short
Ifeanyi’s life story is one of resilience. Having lost his father, Ogochukwu Emenkei, at the tender age of three, he was raised by his mother, who single-handedly cared for him and his two siblings. Despite these challenges, Ifeanyi grew into a responsible young man and recently began a new chapter with his wife—one that was tragically ended in this senseless act of violence.
Details of the Tragic Night
Onwuegbuzie Ambrose, a close associate, shared details of the tragic event on Facebook. Ifeanyi had accompanied his mother to a church service in Ogwashi-Uku that evening. As they prepared to leave, gunmen ambushed them, targeting Ifeanyi and leaving devastation in their wake.
Community in Mourning
The Ogwashi-Uku community is gripped with shock and grief over the untimely death of a promising young man. The tragic incident highlights the increasing insecurity in the region and underscores the urgent need for action to prevent such heinous crimes.
This devastating story serves as a reminder of the fragility of life and the profound impact of violence on families and communities. Our thoughts are with Ifeanyi’s loved ones during this unimaginably difficult time.
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