A heartbreaking tragedy unfolded in Italy as a 27-year-old Nigerian woman, Patricia Masithela, lost her life after being viciously attacked by a pack of hungry dogs.
The incident occurred in the Latina area, shortly after Patricia had traveled to the country with hopes of starting a new chapter in her life.
According to reports from Mirror UK, Patricia had visited a male friend late at night in an abandoned villa located in the Lazio region. Tragically, she was unaware that her friend was not at home. While at the villa, she was ambushed by a group of ferocious dogs.
Her chilling screams echoed through the night, alerting nearby residents who rushed out to see what was happening. Sadly, by the time help arrived, Patricia had suffered severe injuries and was found lying in a pool of blood. The aggressive dogs continued to circle her, making it nearly impossible for neighbors and emergency responders to approach her body.
The incident serves as a grim reminder of the dangers posed by stray and untrained animals. Patricia’s untimely death has left her loved ones and the Nigerian community in Italy devastated.
Stay tuned for updates on this tragic event as investigations unfold.
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